Monday, 14 September 2015

Chocolate Kiosk Uae Ice Cream Kiosk Uae Popcorn Kiosk Uae Mobile Accessories Kiosk Luxury Kiosk Watch Kiosks Perfumes Kiosk Handbag Kiosks Lingerie Kiosk Digital Photo Kiosk Souvenir kiosk Pharmacy Kiosks Uae

Our expertise construction committed for remarkable retail kiosk design for commercial interest & benefits

Retail Kiosk
Since a number of customers usually visit to retail shop allocated at the adjacent part of the commercial center or Malls, as such the kiosk are the units of good business return against a number of common products. The retail mercantile commodities centers are let out temporarily for the short period and later on it is noticed that such retailers able to take up the rented place for a long term or acquired forever.

The retail kiosk may have well designed and architecture in the way to ordain the constraint of the mall/commercial centers. Whereas most of commercial products have their own identification earmarked with specific accessories and hoardings at the elevation place of the kiosk. Such type of establishment may also require, to going through the norms of malls/commercial centers.

The most important commercial issue of the mall is to provide a variety of product with attractive portal and comfortable stay during marketing, and another aspect to utilize each and every useable space. It shows that construction of kiosk at the mall may follow certain regulation of the management it is not otherwise to explain that even the height of advertisement hoarding also have limit for its placement. So there are so many limitations in construction of an outlet in particular at any commercial center.

The Arab garden has significant experience and knowledge to take up the outdoor establishment of a mall and have remarkable view in the BTL industries and provide solutions around the countries. The idea of making retail merchandising unit with proper open look on all the sites i.e. on 360 degree exposure with good elevation to attract the customers for the product put at the kiosk.

Contact Info
Mob:00971 55 4972430,  055 440 7844
Email:tufail.desertdreams @

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai
clock tower dubai